公務(wù)員期刊網(wǎng) 精選范文 八八下英語知識點(diǎn)范文





1. make sure 確信;確認(rèn)

3. beat against... 拍打……

5. fall asleep M入夢鄉(xiāng);睡著

7. die down 逐漸變?nèi)?;逐漸消失

9. wake up 醒來

11. in a mess 一團(tuán)糟

13. break... apart 使……分離

15. in times of difficulty 在困難的時(shí)候

17. at the time of 當(dāng)……時(shí)候

19. make one’s way to在某人去……的路上

21. important events重大事件

23. for example 例如

25. be killed 被殺害

27. a school pupil 一名小學(xué)生

29. in silence 沉默;無聲

2. go off (鬧鐘)發(fā)出響聲

4. take a hot shower 洗熱水澡

6. miss the bus 錯(cuò)過公交車

8. pick up 接(電話)

10. bring... together 使……靠攏

12. in the area 在這個(gè)地區(qū)

14. miss the event 錯(cuò)過這個(gè)事件

16. by the side of the road 在路邊

18. walk by 走路經(jīng)過

20. more recently 最近;新近

22. the World Trade Center 世貿(mào)中心

24. take down 拆除;摧毀

26. have meaning to 對……有意義

28. remember doing sth. 記得做過某事

30. at first 首先;最初


1. When it began to rain, Ben was helping his mom make dinner.


2. ―What was Jenny doing while Linda was



―While Linda was sleeping, Jenny was

helping Mary with her homework.



3. With no light outside, it felt like midnight. 外面沒有一絲光亮,讓人感覺這時(shí)是午夜。

4. Ben’s dad was putting pieces of wood over the windows while his mom was making sure the flashlights and radio were working.


5. Ben was helping his mom make dinner when the rain began to beat heavily against the windows.


6. He finally fell asleep when the wind was dying down at around 3:00 a.m.
