公務(wù)員期刊網(wǎng) 精選范文 英語(yǔ)考試題范文





關(guān)鍵詞: 中期選拔英語(yǔ)考試 語(yǔ)法和詞匯 解題技巧





第一部分:詞匯和語(yǔ)法結(jié)構(gòu)。本部分測(cè)試考生運(yùn)用句法結(jié)構(gòu)、詞法、詞性(詞性變化)和詞匯辨析的能力。本部分包括Section A和Section B。

Section A

Section A的題型為選擇題,題目數(shù)量為30題,題號(hào)是1―30,每題1分,共30分。測(cè)試語(yǔ)法的范圍很廣,考點(diǎn)是時(shí)態(tài)與語(yǔ)態(tài)、情態(tài)動(dòng)詞、非謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞(動(dòng)詞不定式、分詞、動(dòng)名詞)、定語(yǔ)從句、狀語(yǔ)從句、虛擬語(yǔ)氣、主謂一致、倒裝句、強(qiáng)調(diào)句型、反意疑問(wèn)句、代詞、形容詞和副詞等。語(yǔ)法所占的比率在這部分題中大約為70%―90%,而詞匯辨析題所占的比率在這部分題中大約為10%―30%。


在做本節(jié)的選擇題時(shí),應(yīng)該先讀懂句子,分析該句的結(jié)構(gòu)及句子成分,大致推斷出該句的測(cè)試點(diǎn),再?gòu)倪x擇項(xiàng)中找出答案。特別要注意:①首先要搞清楚要填的是哪種語(yǔ)法現(xiàn)象,是時(shí)態(tài)還是非謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞,是介詞還是連接詞,是虛擬語(yǔ)氣還是情態(tài)動(dòng)詞,是關(guān)系代詞還是關(guān)系副詞,等等。②其次要看看所選的時(shí)態(tài)、語(yǔ)態(tài)、連接詞等填入句中是否合乎語(yǔ)法規(guī)則,③然后判斷一下,是否有更合適的選擇項(xiàng)。因?yàn)橹挥幸粋€(gè)答案是對(duì)的,如果有更合適的選擇項(xiàng),說(shuō)明原來(lái)的選擇是錯(cuò)的。④選用時(shí)態(tài)時(shí)要注意表示時(shí)間的狀語(yǔ),如yesterday,tomorrow等;如果是復(fù)合句,還要注意前后的時(shí)態(tài)是否一致。⑤選用介詞時(shí),要注意它與動(dòng)詞或名詞的搭配是否恰當(dāng),如on可以與rely和depend搭配,但不能與manage搭配。⑥選用關(guān)系代詞時(shí),要注意它是代人還是代物,前者要用who,whom,whose,后者要用which,that,但是在強(qiáng)調(diào)句“It is...”中則可用that代替人。⑦還要注意,所選的結(jié)構(gòu)是否是固定搭配,如take it for granted,on the whole,as a matter of fact中的it,on和as是不能替換的,等等。


_________ is well-known to all,too much stress can cause disease.

A.Which B.As C.That D.It

本題測(cè)試的是關(guān)系代詞的用法。As is known to somebody是個(gè)常用的狀語(yǔ)結(jié)構(gòu),一般放在句首,意思是“眾所周知”。全句的意思是:“眾所周知,壓力太大會(huì)產(chǎn)生疾病?!彼员绢}答案是選項(xiàng)B。選項(xiàng)A)Which雖然也是關(guān)系代詞,但通常不置于句首。選項(xiàng)C)That與選項(xiàng)D)It都不可以作關(guān)系代詞。


_________ yesterday,I would have asked him not to do that.

A.Had he come B.Provided he came

C.If he come D.Has he come

本題測(cè)試的是虛擬語(yǔ)氣的用法。全句的意思是:“如果他昨天來(lái),我會(huì)要求他不要那樣做?!笔聦?shí)上是指他昨天沒(méi)有來(lái)。該句所表達(dá)的是與過(guò)去事實(shí)相反的非真實(shí)條件句:“If主語(yǔ)had+過(guò)去分詞,主語(yǔ)should(would,could,might)+have+過(guò)去分詞”。該句可以改寫(xiě)為:If he had come yesterday,I would have asked him not to do that.虛擬條件句中省略if,則應(yīng)部分倒裝,將had放句首。解此題的關(guān)鍵是要能辨別出虛擬語(yǔ)氣。


It occurred to her that she might _________ a homeless child.

A. adapt B. adopt C.adjust D.admit


Section B







Jim had to exert all his (strong) to pull the man out of the driver.



I shall never forget _________(meet) her on the first day at college.

本句考的是非謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞。forget后可以跟不定式,也可以跟動(dòng)名詞,但是意思有區(qū)別。forget to do sth.忘記了(還沒(méi)有發(fā)生的事),forget doing sth.忘記了(已經(jīng)發(fā)生的事),本句話中已經(jīng)遇見(jiàn)過(guò)了,動(dòng)作已經(jīng)發(fā)生了,所以填meeting。



【關(guān)鍵詞】選擇題 高考英語(yǔ) 試題







4.選擇題的飛躍。97年閱讀理解增加了考察交際能力的選擇題,這標(biāo)志著我國(guó)高考英語(yǔ)的發(fā)展進(jìn)入了全新的階段,此時(shí)的高考不僅重視語(yǔ)篇及語(yǔ)言應(yīng)用,更加重視學(xué)生交際能力的檢測(cè),這與當(dāng)時(shí)交際理論的盛行是密不可分的。理論上交際理論和選擇題是矛盾的,但語(yǔ)言測(cè)試專家Heaton[3]23認(rèn)為選擇題與交際語(yǔ)言測(cè)試并非是非此即彼的關(guān)系,在很多交際測(cè)試中仍可限制性地使用此題型,特別是測(cè)試閱讀和聽(tīng)力時(shí)。2000年,教育部考試中心在當(dāng)年的4種高考試卷中,有3種試卷增加了聽(tīng)力,雖然在這3種試卷中聽(tīng)力所占的分值不同,但我們看到了國(guó)家對(duì)學(xué)生交際能力的重視。2003年高考英語(yǔ)聽(tīng)力測(cè)試在全國(guó)普及,促進(jìn)了基礎(chǔ)教育階段學(xué)生的聽(tīng)力水平,因引入了聽(tīng)力,高考去掉了沿用多年的單詞辨音這種20世紀(jì)中葉結(jié)構(gòu)主義語(yǔ)言觀時(shí)流行的分立型間接測(cè)試題。2004年是我國(guó)高考?xì)v史上改革幅度最大的一年。同往年相比,2004 年的試題更加突出語(yǔ)言的交際性,更加強(qiáng)調(diào)英語(yǔ)知識(shí)的靈活運(yùn)用??梢哉f(shuō),2004年高考英語(yǔ)測(cè)試已成功地實(shí)行了從知識(shí)型向能力型的過(guò)渡,這也體現(xiàn)了后來(lái)高考英語(yǔ)命題的走向。到目前為止,高考英語(yǔ)考試中選擇題的題型基本趨于穩(wěn)定,只是由于聽(tīng)力測(cè)試施考的難度較大,所以有些省市對(duì)聽(tīng)力有不同的做法,仍有個(gè)別省份不考聽(tīng)力,有些省份不把聽(tīng)力成績(jī)計(jì)入總分,但未來(lái)的發(fā)展,聽(tīng)力一定是高考口語(yǔ)考試中必不可少的一部分。






關(guān)鍵詞:閱讀理解 設(shè)題分類(lèi) 解題技巧




























常見(jiàn)題型如:The underlined words “l(fā)eisure industry”in paragraph 3 refer to .(2010高考全國(guó)II C篇第52題)

A.transport to ski resorts

B.production of family cars

C.business of providing spare time enjoyments

D.part-time work for people living in the suburbs




以2010年江蘇高考卷為例,一共8道推理判斷題,占閱讀理解總分的一半以上,而其他省市此類(lèi)題也不亞于5~6個(gè),常見(jiàn)的提問(wèn)方式:According to the passage,the ancestors of the Potter family most probably


A.owned or drove a cart

B.made things with metals

C.made kitchen tools or contains

D.built houses and furniture





如What can we conclude from paragraph 2?


What can we infer from the second and third paragraphs?














第I卷 (選擇題 共85分)


第一節(jié)(共5小題, 每小題1分,滿分5分)


( )1. A. An hour later. B. Fifteen minutes ago. C. For about half an hour.

( )2. A. Yesterday morning. B. In the house. C. A stone.

( )3. A. Very much. B. My brother’s. C. 500 yuan.

( )4. A. Sounds good. B. No problem. C. Of course.

( )5. A. Very tall. B. The top floor. C. Good idea.



( )6. When did the train leave the station?

A. At 9:15. B. At 9:10. C. At 9:20.

( )7. When does the man start?

A. At 6:20. B. At 6:50. C. At 5:50.

( )8. Which pen does the man want?

A. The red one. B. The black one. C. The blue one.

( )9. Where is the woman’s son now?

A. In Hong Kong. B. At home. C. In Beijing.

( )10. What does the woman mean?

A. Her father doesn’t smoke anymore.

B. Her father likes smoke.

C. Her father wants to give up smoking.

( )11. What does the woman mean?

A. She thinks it would never happen to her.

B. She thinks she will be very lucky.

C. She thinks it’s possible.

( )12. Will the woman go to see the film?

A. Yes, she will. B. No, she doesn’t like it.

C. No, she can’t.



第I卷 (選擇題 共85分)


第一節(jié)(共5小題, 每小題1分,滿分5分)


( )1. A. An hour later. B. Fifteen minutes ago. C. For about half an hour.

( )2. A. Yesterday morning. B. In the house. C. A stone.

( )3. A. Very much. B. My brother’s. C. 500 yuan.

( )4. A. Sounds good. B. No problem. C. Of course.

( )5. A. Very tall. B. The top floor. C. Good idea.



( )6. When did the train leave the station?

A. At 9:15. B. At 9:10. C. At 9:20.

( )7. When does the man start?

A. At 6:20. B. At 6:50. C. At 5:50.

( )8. Which pen does the man want?

A. The red one. B. The black one. C. The blue one.

( )9. Where is the woman’s son now?

A. In Hong Kong. B. At home. C. In Beijing.

( )10. What does the woman mean?

A. Her father doesn’t smoke anymore.

B. Her father likes smoke.

C. Her father wants to give up smoking.

( )11. What does the woman mean?

A. She thinks it would never happen to her.

B. She thinks she will be very lucky.

C. She thinks it’s possible.

( )12. Will the woman go to see the film?

A. Yes, she will. B. No, she doesn’t like it.

C. No, she can’t.




( )13. How many languages can the woman speak?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.

( )14. What do we learn from the conversation?

A. The woman can write French.

B. The woman can’t write German.

C. The woman can speak German and write it.

( )15. What does the man think of Japanese?

A. It’s the same as German.

B. It’s difficult.

C. It’s easy.


( )16. What’s the film?

A. It’s full of police. B. It’s full of action. C. It’s full of music.

( )17. When will they see the film?

A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. On Sunday.

( )18. What’s not true according the dialogue?

A. Mary is asking Peter to see a film together.

B. The film will last for an hour and a half.

C. The cinema is not far away from them.


( )19. How long have the woman been working on her experiment?

A. More than a week. B. Nearly a year. C. About a week.

( )20. What did the woman just do?

A. She just finished an experiment.

B. She just finished reading the books she borrowed.

C. She just finished writing a paper.

( )21. How was the experiment?

A. Very successful. B. Bad. C. It was not finished yet.

( )22. What’s the woman going to do next?

A.To borrow some books on how to do experiments.

B. To write a paper.

C.To go on doing some experiments.


( )23. How long did the boy stay on the farm?

A. About 24 hours. B. About 3 days. C. A whole week.

( )24. According to the boy, who is poorer?

A. The farmer’s family. B. His own family.

C. He can’t tell.

( )25. After hearing his son’s words, what did the father most probably feel?

A. Happy. B. Proud. C. Embarrassed.




( )26. ―You are quite sure that Allen will win the singing competition?

―Yes, you see he’s so ______ in himself.

A. sure B. proud C. strict D. confident

( )27. ―Where’s my umbrella, I can’t find it anywhere.

―Sorry, it’s here. I took it ______ in the morning.

A. by myself B. by mistake C. by accident D. by hand

( )28. ―You’d better not ______ me when I am working.

―I just want to ask you an important question.

A. bother B. break C. fill D. call

( )29. ―I saw you were riding your old bike to school.

―That’s because I can’t______ to buy a new one.

A. decide B. afford C. remember D. allow

( )30. ―Some of the information on the net is bad for the teenagers.

―That’s true, and it may have very bad______ on their future life.

A. influence B. agreement C. comment D. challenge

( )31. ―I’ll answer your questions later, I’m now ______ my own job.

―Sorry to trouble you. Maybe another time.

A. giving away B. setting up C. leaving for D. concentrating on

( )32. ―It’s too noisy outside, I just can’t doing my work.

―Go on with it ______ is happening, then you can complete something.

A. however B. whenever C. whatever D. wherever

( )33. ―Do you think our basketball team will win the match?

―I think so. We have better players. I ______ them to win.

A. hope B. suppose C. expect D. think

( )34. ―Our teacher is ill in bed, let’s______ a doctor at once.

―Let’s go together.

A. become B. lead C. fetch D. catch

( )35. ―Our money has______, can we think of a good idea to collect some?

―I think we’d better ask our parents for help.

A. run out B. given out C. put off D. turned off

( )36. ―My father is ______ buying a new computer?

―That’s quite good. Then you’ll have your own computer.

A. suggesting B. thinking C. considering D. starting

( )37. ―Can you guess the______ why Tony suddenly changed his plan?

―Maybe he wants to go with another group instead of us.

A. purpose B. support C. habit D. mark

( )38. ―The kids all believe the old man has some kind of______.

―I can’t believe that. No one can fly with a broom.

A. trouble B. pleasure C. dream D. magic

( )39. ―I’ll not be Tim’s friend any more.

―Don’t be angry. He’s just so ______, but in fact he’s good to us, you know.

A. full B. direct C. kind D. silly

( )40. ―Jack is good at speaking, we all like to listen to him.

―Yes, there is______ in his speaking which we should learn.

A. secret B. art C. fun D. meaning



At 13 years of age, my parents and I visited an eye doctor. As I sat in the examining chair, the doctor looked into my eyes and said to my parents 41 . “She did inherit(遺傳)it, and medicine does not 42 . ”

My father carried a gene (基因) 43 blindness. I’d inherited(繼承) the gene. He gradually lost his eyesight and so did I. At last we were both completely 44 .

My world crumbled (崩潰) as the darkness 45 , destroying the dreams my husband and I had for us and for our three little boys. But when I tried to find some 46 and strength, my eyes were opened to a new civilization (文明).

My father had given me not just failing eyesight, but an 47 of determination in the face of trouble as well. We were all living in Bolivia in 1964 when he decided to move the 48 to America. 49 in the States, he overcame many difficulties and although he couldn’t speak much English, he managed to rent a small 50 and buy airline tickets for my mom, my brother and me. He and Mom worked day and night to win the right (權(quán)利) of 51 in the US.

Many years later, as an American, I looked 52 at what he’d taught me. He set an example proving that determination is 53 to success. His journey taught me valuable 54 for dealing with my blindness.

I did the same as I stepped into a dark world. My father’s example made me get confidence and 55 to be thankful for what I had.

( )41. A. kindly B. patiently C. quickly D. coldly

( )42. A. use B. happen C. work D. care

( )43. A. causing B. feeling C. create D. helping

( )44. A. dead B. blind C. pround D. mad

( )45. A. looked B. built C. feared D. fell

( )46. A. excuse B. hope C. awards D. manners

( )47. A. experience B. experiment C. idea D. example

( )48. A. trouble B. car C. family D. hope

( )49. A. Important B. Sleepy C. Lucky D. Alone

( )50. A. plane B. bag C. apartment D. land

( )51. A. living B. teaching C. working D. traveling

( )52. A. up B. around C. hard D. back

( )53. A. empty B. direct C. ancient D. crucial

( )54. A. sights B. lessons C. tastes D. thoughts

( )55. A. learn B. forget C. continue D. offer




That Easter day I found out we were so poor. The minister brought us the money for the poor family, so we must be poor, I thought. I didn’t like being poor. Everyone there probably already knew we were poor! I thought about school. I was in the ninth grade and at the top of my class of over one hundred students. I wondered if the kids at school knew that we were poor. We sat in silence for along time. Then it got dark, and we went to bed. All that week, we girls went to school and came home, and no one talked much. Finally, on Saturday, Mom asked us what we wanted to do with the money. What did poor people do with money? We didn’t know. We didn’t want to go to church on Sunday, but Mom said we had to. Although it was a sunny day, we didn’t talk on the way. Mom started to sing, but no one joined in.

At church we had a speaker. He talked about how churches in Africa built schools and houses for the poor people, but they needed more money to buy foods. The speaker said, “Can’t we all give away some money to help these poor people?” We looked at each other and smiled for the first time in a week.

Mom reached into her purse and pulled out the envelope. She passed it to Darlene, Darlene gave it to me, and I put it into the offering.

When the offering was counted, the minister announced that it was a little over five hundred dollars. The speaker was excited. He hadn’t expected such a large offering from our small church. He said, “You must have some rich people in this church.” Suddenly it struck us! We had given four hundred and twenty dollars of that “l(fā)ittle over five hundred dollars.”

We were the rich family in the church! Hadn’t the speaker said so? From that day on, I’ve never been poor again.

( )56. When the writer’s family was given the money for the poor, she probably felt ________.

A. thankful B. surprised

C. fair D. embarrassed

( )57. The mother decided to go to the church to __________.

A. hang out with her kids

B. donate the money to poor people

C. cheer her kids up

D. show other people they were not poor

( )58. What does the underlined word “announced” mean?

A. Spoke loudly in public.

B. Made a hard decision.

C. Host a good program.

D. Discovered an exciting result.

( )59. Which of the statements is true?

A. The writer was born in an African country.

B. The writer didn’t like going to school.

C. The mother was very helpful to others.

D. The mother didn’t want the money given by others.

( )60. What can we learn from the article?

A. It’s not good to receive other’s money.

B. Being poor, you still can help.

C. Churches are good places to learn.

D. We should regard difficulties as challengies.


For rent

A two-storey building is for rent(租借) here. It is on Wenhua Street, near the community park and also not far from the No.1 Middle School. The first floor is a house of 150 square meters, decorated with big glass windows. It is big enough for you to open a small restaurant or a bookshop. If necessary, some changes are also acceptable. There are 3 bedrooms of the same size with some furniture, a kitchen and a bathroom on the second floor. Besides, there is a big hall connected to the building where you can store goods. You can also change it into a teahouse. The building is convenient for you to work and live in.

For more information, call 027-86967815.

( )61. The building for rent ___________.

A. is a nice apartment near a park

B. has two floors

C. is a part of No.1 Middle School

D. has a tea house

( )62. Who most probably will rent the building?

A. A teacher.

B. A football player.

C. The owner of a restaurant.

D. A barber.

( )63. If you rent the building, ________.

A. you can cook your own meals there

B. you must make some changes to the building

C. you may take a bath downstairs

D. you needn’t buy any furniture

( )64. We can learn from the passage that _________.

A. the building is not a good place for business

B. the first floor is quite bright in the day

C. the building will suit a small family to live in

D. the big hall is not useful at all

( )65. The first floor is decorated with big glass windows, it means_________.

A. it’s good for business

B. it’s very expensive

C. the building is very tall

D. the building is neither cold nor hot all year round


For long, a little boy was wondering why his next desk-pal could rank(排名) 1st in the class whenever he wanted to, however, he only ranked 21st.

At home, he asked his Mom, “Mom, am I more stupid than others? I feel I am as careful as him, but why do I always fall behind? ” Hearing the words, Mom realized that her son had very strong self-respect. Looking at him, she went without saying anything, not knowing how to explain.

In another test, the son ranked 17th, while his pal remained 1st. Back home, he asked the same question. Mom really wanted to tell her son that intelligence (智力) makes the difference. However, did her son really need such an answer? Thank goodness, she did not open her mouth.

How to answer her son’s question? There were times she almost declared, “You are too lazy. You are not as hard-working as others…” but she stopped when saw her son in deep pains of his grades and rankings. She thought she should try to find out a perfect answer.

Time passed quickly, the son finished primary school. Although studying harder and better, he was still unable to keep up with his pal. To show her pride of him, Mom decided to take him to the sea. During the trip, she managed to give out an answer.

Now, the son no longer worries about his rankings, and there are no longer boring guys who would asking his rankings in primary school, because, with the 1st ranking, he is accepted by Tsinghua University. Back home in winter vacation, he was invited to give a speech to the students and parents in his high school. In the speech, he mentioned a valuable experience in his childhood, “…When my mother and I was lying on the beach, she pointed to the front and said, ‘Do you see the seabirds scrambling (爭(zhēng)奪) for food over there? When the waves come near, little birds can rise quickly while “clumsy” sea-gulls would take more time to complete the process (過(guò)程). However, have you noticed birds that finally fly across the ocean are those “clumsy” sea-gulls?’”

( )66.When the boy asked his mother the same question again, _________.

A. he almost had no confidence in himself

B. he had actually made some progress in his studies

C. his mother had already found the right answer

D. his mother became quite angry and sad

( )67. The underlined sentence “intelligence makes the difference” means _______.

A. students ranking 1st are supposed to be cleverer than normal ones

B. clever students sometimes make silly mistakes in the exams

C. sometimes less clever students can do better in different situations

D. you should study hard no matter how clever you are

( )68. The mother took her son to the seaside _____________.

A. to tell him he should be the quick little seabird rather than the seagulls

B. to teach him he should be stronger if he wants to be successful

C. to show him birds seemed clumsy can do greater things

D. to remind him the happy childhood he had spent by the sea

( )69. Which of the following is Wrong?

A. The mother can’t explain many things to her son.

B. The son tried his best in his studies and finally did very well.

C. The speech he made probably moved lots of students and parents.

D. The seabirds he saw by the sea gave him a good lesson.

( )70. What’s best title of this passage?

A. Beautiful birds can’t fly far.

B. Grades are not everything.

C. Nothing is impossible.

D. The slow should start early.

第II卷 (非選擇題 共35分)



[mistakes / soft / solve / tastes / lessons / belong to]

71. There are several ________ in your homework.








(3)對(duì)英語(yǔ)主語(yǔ)的高度重視。學(xué)生拿出曾經(jīng)寫(xiě)的英語(yǔ)作文(考試作文),數(shù)一數(shù)里面的句子,幾個(gè)有主語(yǔ),幾個(gè)沒(méi)主語(yǔ)。沒(méi)主語(yǔ)的句子,句義是否能理解,其后動(dòng)詞的形式怎么樣。再對(duì)比漢語(yǔ)作文(考試作文),重復(fù)上面的動(dòng)作。教師指引:漢語(yǔ)“話題+說(shuō)明/評(píng)論”,英語(yǔ)“主語(yǔ)+謂語(yǔ)”寫(xiě)作時(shí),從主語(yǔ)入手,找到突破口?;掝}性的,概念性的,為具體性。學(xué)生再次審視英語(yǔ)作文句子,觀察人稱多,還是物稱多,有沒(méi)有用it。教師指引:①英語(yǔ)句子必須有主語(yǔ),即便用it代替,作形式主語(yǔ)。②主語(yǔ)是謂語(yǔ)的描述對(duì)象,位置在句首,在句中舉足輕重。③主語(yǔ)決定動(dòng)詞的數(shù),同時(shí)也決定動(dòng)詞其它形式。④所有主語(yǔ)必須是名詞性的,這點(diǎn)很不同于漢語(yǔ)。(漢語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞常做主語(yǔ))語(yǔ)序排列都依靠于與主語(yǔ)的緊密程度?!盃恳话l(fā)而動(dòng)全身”針對(duì)無(wú)主句,我們需要增補(bǔ)主語(yǔ):先找謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞的主語(yǔ),沒(méi)主語(yǔ)用it(it做形式主語(yǔ))。與學(xué)生生活最緊密的主語(yǔ):“三個(gè)學(xué)”:學(xué)校,學(xué)生,學(xué)習(xí)(活動(dòng))可逐項(xiàng)展開(kāi)。學(xué)校(school, campus,teaching building, library, reading room);學(xué)生(student, monitor, teacher, kids, parents, grandpa);學(xué)習(xí)活動(dòng)(reading/singing/swimming/speech/composition/KTV contest, etc)。

(4)學(xué)生觀察并認(rèn)識(shí)。A.修飾詞與中心詞的排列順序漢語(yǔ),順線性排列(就像一條細(xì)線,在線的末端打個(gè)結(jié),那個(gè)結(jié)就是中心詞,這個(gè)中心詞牢牢地抓住句子)。也就是:修飾詞在前,中心詞(head word)在后。例如:“站在樹(shù)下的小男孩是我的弟弟?!睌U(kuò)展為“穿著T恤,帶著墨鏡,站在那棵板栗樹(shù)下的男孩是我弟弟。/ a boy standing under the chestnut with sunglasses and T-shirt is my younger brother.英語(yǔ):既可順線性排列,也可逆線性排列(類(lèi)比于順線性,它的結(jié)可以在句首,也可在句末)。也就是說(shuō)修飾詞可在后,也可在前。例如:英語(yǔ)中大量的后置定語(yǔ)(形容詞present, alive, 非謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞)等等情況,恰恰說(shuō)明了這一點(diǎn)。The professor present at the meeting was a swindler.I knew the guy stealing from the rich to give to the poor.正是由于排列順序的不同,導(dǎo)致了英漢句型的差異。

B.漢英句型差異。英語(yǔ)句子向中間擴(kuò)展(mid-branching):①導(dǎo)致了插入語(yǔ)的慣用法,to be frank, if ever.②定語(yǔ)從句中,介詞的提前,即介詞+關(guān)系代詞,向右擴(kuò)展(right-branching),句子尾部呈開(kāi)放型(open ending)。

















