公務員期刊網(wǎng) 精選范文 新目標英語八年級上冊范文





( )1. Look at the sky! The mooncakes looks ______ the moon.

A. like B. like same

C. same D. the same

( )2. Who is heavier, Jack ______ John?

A. and B. with C. than D. or

( )3. Holly and I ______ calm.

A. both are B. are both

C. all are D. are all

( )4. ―I like playing football. ______?

―I like it, too.

A. What about you B. Can I help you

C. How do you like it D. How are you

( )5. Hi, Jack! Please give me ______.

A. three cup of coffee

B. three cups of coffees

C. three cup coffee

D. three cups of coffee

( )6. ―______?

―It’s 3 dollars.

A. How many is it B. What is it

C. How is it D. How much is it

( )7. ―What shall we do?

―What about ______?

A. go shopping B. to go shopping

C. go to shop D. going shopping

( )8. How many ______ do you want?

A. glasses of milk B. glass of milks

C. glasses of milks D milks

( )9. Maria is a ______ girl. She hardlytalks.

A. calm B. quiet

C. wild D. outgoing

( )10. I don’t think the joke is ______ e-nough.

A. interesting B. interested

C. interest D. interests

( )11. ______ there is no air or water, therecan be no life.

A. Though B. As

C. When D. Where

( )12. ―Could you please ______ the ra-dio? We can’t hear clearly.


A. turn on B. turn off

C. turn up D. turn down

( )13. It’s cold outside. You ______ to wear more clothes.

A. must B. should C. need D. can

( )14. You can ______ some sugar ______the milk. It will taste wonderful.

A. add; up B. add to; /

C. add; to D. add up; to

( )15. ―How do you like the dish?

―It smells ______. I like it very much.

A. terrible B. well

C. nicely D. wonderful

Ⅱ. 完形填空。

Every year____16____people get hurt or die in road accidents. ____17____can we make the roads safer? First, we must obey the traffic rules. For the drivers, they shouldn’t drive too____18____or drive after they drink wine. For the pedestrians(行人), they must be careful when they are walking on the road. In our country, traffic keeps on the____19____side of the road. So when we walk across the road, we must try to walk underpasses (地下通道)or footbridges. If there are no underpasses____20____footbridges, we must walk the crosswalk. We must stop and look____21____sides before crossing the road. Look left, look right, and then look left again. Only when we are sure that the road is____22____, we can cross it. Second, it is____23____to help children, old people or blind people____24____the road. Third, we must____25____play in the street.

( )16. A. thousand of B. thousands of

C. about five thousands

D. about five thousands of

( )17. A. How B. What

C. When D. Where

( )18. A. slow B. slower C. fast D. faster

( )19. A. middle B. up C. down D. right

( )20. A. and B. or C. also D. too

( )21. A. no B. all

C. both D. not

( )22. A. busy B. good

C. bad D. clear

( )23. A. good B. bad

C. easy D. difficult

( )24. A. across B. cross

C. crossing D. crosses

( )25. A. always B. often C. sometimes D. never

Ⅲ. 閱讀理解。


Dick is twenty-five years old. He works in a factory as a driver. He can do everything well so the boss pays him a lot of money. But he likes drinking and it brings him lots of trouble. He wants to stop drinking, but when he sees the wine, he can’t control himself and always drinks too much.

One day when he is walking in the street he meets Mike, one of his friends. They go to have dinner in a restaurant. Dick drinks too much wine. When they come out of the restaurant, Dick finds a wire pole on the side of the street. He comes up to it and begins to shake it. It surprises Mike and he asks, “ Dick, what are you shaking the pole for?” “I’m thirsty now and I want some apples,” says Dick. “Look, a lot of apples are falling down. Come to help me pick them up.”

( )26. Dick works in a ______.

A. shop B. bar

C. factory D. farm

( )27. Dick is a ______.

A. farmer B. teacher

C. doctor D. driver

( )28. The boss pays Dick much money be-cause ______.

A. the boss and Dick are good friends

B. Dick can do many things well

C. the boss is very kind

D. Dick can drink much wine

( )29. Dick begins to shake the wire pole be-cause ______.

A. he is very thirsty at that moment

B. there are many apples on it

C. he thinks it is an apple tree

D. he wants to do some sports

( )30. From the passage we can infer that______.

A. Dick’s friend is drunk

B. they pick up no apples

C. drinking causes a lot of trouble toDick’s boss

D. a wire pole is like an apple tree


Now satellites are helping to forecast(預報) the weather. They are in space, and they can reach any part of the world. The satellites take pictures of the atmosphere (大氣), because this is where the weather forms (形成). They send these pictures to the weather stations. So meteorologists(氣象學家) can see the weather of any part of the world. From the pictures, the scientists can say how the weather will change.

Today, nearly five hundred weather stations in sixty countries receive satellite pictures. When they receive new pictures, the meteorologists compare them with earlier ones.

Perhaps they may find that the clouds have changed during the last few hours. This may mean that the weather on the ground may soon change, too. In their next weather forecast, the meteorologists can say this.

So the weather satellites are a great help to the meteorologists. Before satellites were invented, the scientists could forecast the weather for about 24 or 48 hours. Now they can make good forecasts for three or five days. Soon, perhaps, they may be able to forecast the weather for a week or more ahead (提前).

( )31. Satellites travel ______.

A. in space B. above space

C. above the ground

D. in the atmosphere

( )32. Why do we use the weather satel-lites to take pictures of the atmo-sphere?Because ______.

A. clouds form there

B. the weather forms there

C. the weather satellites can do it easily D. the pictures can forecast the weather ( )33. Meteorologists forecast the weather_____.

A. without studying satellite pictures

B. before they receive satellite pictures

C. when they have received satellite pic-tures

D. after they have compared the newsatellite pictures with the earlier ones

( )34. Maybe we’ll soon be able to forecastthe weather for ______.

A. one day B. two days

C. five days D. seven days

( )35. The main idea of this passage is thatsatellites are now used in ______.

A. taking pictures of the earth

B. receiving pictures of the atmosphere

C. weather forecasting

D. doing other work in many ways


Waste can be seen everywhere in the school. Some students ask for more food than they can eat and others often forget to turn off the lights when they leave the classroom. They say the school can afford these things. But I don’t agree with them.

Waste can bring a lot of problems. Although China is rich in some resources(資源), we are short of (缺乏的) others, for example, fresh water (淡水). It is reported that we will have no coal(煤) or oil to use in 100 years. So if we go on wasting our resources, what can we use in the future? Think about it. I think we should say no to the students who waste things every day. Everybody should stop wasting as soon as possible.

In our everyday life, we can do many things to prevent waste from happening, for example, turn off the water taps(水龍頭) when we finish washing, turn off the lights when we leave the classroom, try not to order more food than we need, and so on. Little by little, everything will be changed. Waste can be stopped one day, if we do our best.

( )36. From the passage we know thatsome students often ______ in the school.

A. eat too much B. don’t work hard

C. waste things

D. throw rubbish everywhere

( )37. Which is not mentioned in this passage?

A. Fresh water. B. Forest.

C. Oil. D. Coal.

( )38. What may happen in 100 years?

A. We may still have enough oil.

B. We may still have enough coal.

C. We may only have junk food.

D. We may have no coal or oil to use.

( )39. Which of the following is right?

A. Waste brings problems.

B. Waste can bring no problem.

C. China is rich in fresh water.

D. Students never waste things.

( )40. Which is the best title of this pas-sage?

A. Stop Wasting B. School life

C. Waste in the School

D. Rich Resources in China

Ⅳ. 閱讀理解填詞。

School education is very important and useful. Yet no one can learn everything at school and a teacher cannot teach his s____41____everything they want to know. His work is to show his students h____42____to learn. He teaches them how to read a____43____how to think. So much more is to be learned outside school by the students t____44____.

It is always more i____45____to know how to study by oneself. It is quite e____46____to learn something, but it is difficult to use it to solve problems. Great inventors do not get everything a____47____school, but they still can m____48____many things and change the world a lot.

How can the inventors do all of these? One of the answers is: they k____49____how to study. A lot of things are not taught in the classroom. They got a lot o____50____knowledge by reading outside school. They work hard and never give up all their lives.

41. s_____ 42. h_____ 43. a_____ 44. t_____

45. i_____ 46. e_____ 47. a_____ 48. m_____

49. k_____50. o_____

Ⅴ. 書面表達。



2 slices of bread

1 teaspoon of butter

1 onion and 1 tomato


4 slices of beef

2 teaspoons of relish

要求:1. 層次分明,條理清晰;

2. 50詞左右。












A) 根據(jù)句意和首字母提示,寫出空白處所缺的單詞。

1. Would you please say it a ________?

2. Don’t forget to take an u________ with you when you go out. The radio says it’s going to rain.

3. My uncle bought me a new mobile phone as my birthday g_______.

4. Tom is going to be a doctor in the f_______.

5. His family live in the country. They have a big y________.

B) 用括號內(nèi)所給單詞的正確形式填空。

1. A lot of ________(visit) come to visit the Great Wall every year.

2. ―How did you go to work yesterday?

―I ________(drive) to work.

3. When they came back from Guangzhou, they bought some _______ (souvenir).

4. He fell off the tree yesterday. ________(luck) he was not badly hurt.

5. ―Who__________(win) the game the day before yesterday?

―Class One did.

Ⅱ. 單項選擇

1. I went to the beach. Where did you go _________ the school trip?

A. on B. to C. with D. in

2. If I have seven days _________ , I’d like to go to Beijing.

A. long B. off C. on D. with

3. I met the famous movie star and got his ________ yesterday.

A. autograph B. car C. wallet D. clothes

4. ―How was your school trip?

―We had__________.

A. funny to camping B. funny camp

C. fun to camp D. fun camping

5. The old man didn’t have anything ________ this morning.

A. ate B. eating C. to eat D. eat

6. Last Sunday we watched ________ at the zoo.

A. an elephant show B. elephant show

C. elephant’s show D. an elephant’s show

7. Finally, tired _________ happy, we took the subway back home.

A. with B. but C. or D. more

8. Every year we go to the beach ________ we can pick up the shells.

A. when B. on it

C. where D. in the place

9. Every one of us was very happy________ the end of the day.

A. at B. on C. with D. for

10. Tom and Ito the zoo and ________some tigers there yesterday.

A. go; saw B. go; see

C. went; see D. went; saw

11. It’s a pity you didn’t come along. It was fun ________a drive.

A. to go for B. going for

C. went to have D. went for

12. I think watching TV plays is ________ boring.

A. a kind B. a kind of

C. kinds of D. kind of

13. How _______ the weather when you stayed in New York?

A. is B. did C. was D. has

14. I got the first prize in last year’s __________ competition.

A. sing B. song C. singing D. songs’

15. ―Did you get up __________ this morning?

―No, I didn’t.

A. late B. lately C. latest D. much late

Ⅲ. 句型轉換按照括號內(nèi)的要求改寫下列句子,每空限填一詞。

1. They went to an aquarium on Saturday. (改為一般疑問句)

______ _______ _____to an aquarium on Saturday?

2. ―Did you see a movie yesterday evening? (作否定回答)

―_________,_________ _________.

3. She had some chicken and potato chips for supper yesterday. (改為否定句)

She_______ _______ _______chicken or potato chips for supper yesterday.

4. Zhang Min wrote to Li Gang yesterday. (對畫線部分提問)

________ ________to Li Gang yesterday?

5. He gave me a picture book in class. (對畫線部分提問)

_____ _______he___________you in class?

6. I bought a pair of shoes in the shop. (對畫線部分提問)

_______ __________you__________a pair of shoes?

7. The girl washed her clothes this morning. (對畫線部分提問)

_______ ________the girl____________this morning?

8. My sister did well in English. (改為同義句)

My sister_____ ______ _______English.

9. They didn’t tell me anything about it. (改為同義句)

They ____________me__________about it.

10. I was busy the day before yesterday. (改為同義句)

I___________a___________day the day before yesterday.

Ⅳ. 漢譯英根據(jù)漢語句子,完成英語句子,每空限填一詞。

1. 上次旅行中你們都做了些什么?

What ________you___________your last trip?

2. 上月底,我們參觀了水族館。

______ _______ ______ ______last month, we visited the aquarium.

3. 除了這些鯊魚外,你還能看到什么呢?

_______ _____can you see except the___________?

4. 他不在家時有他的信件嗎?

________ ________any letters for him while he __________ away?

5. 他們正在去往海灘度假的途中。

They are _______ _______ ________ ______to the beach.

Ⅴ. 動詞填空用括號內(nèi)所給動詞的適當形式填空。

1. He __________(not see) a film yesterday evening.

2. Tom___________(do) his homework this morning.

3. His father__________(buy) a new computer for me last week.

4. The Kings_________(have) a big dinner just now.

5. ―Where________ Mr Green_________(go) last winter?

―He_________(go) to Beijing.

6. I__________(help) Nina with her maths.

7. My classmates and I_________(visit) the aquarium last Sunday.

8. The little girl __________(study) English this morning.

9. He __________(write) a letter to his family just now.

10. ―When_________Wang Ming_________(finish) his homework?

―At six yesterday evening.

Ⅵ. 補全對話從下面方框里選擇適當?shù)木渥犹羁?,完成對話,使意思完整、通順?/p>


B: No, I went to the aquarium instead.


B: No, there weren’t any sharks, but there were some really smart seals.

A: That sounds interesting.____3____

B: Yes, I enjoyed myself very much. By the way, where did you go, Michael?


B: Where do they live? And what was the weather like there?

A: They live in Hawaii.____5____

B: I think you had a happy trip.

A: That’s right. I played with my cousins happily.

A. You had a good time, didn’t you?

B. Were there any sharks in the aquarium?

C. Did you go to the zoo last Sunday, Jack?

D. The weather was very beautiful.

E. I went to see my grandparents and my cousins.

Ⅶ. 完形填空

One day during Mrs Smith’s visit with her daughter Jane, they decided to____1____a bus around the city for a couple of hours____2____the sights(風景). Mrs Smith reminded(提醒) Jane that she was hard of hearing and that she might have to____3____things. Soon they started to move, the bus driver said, “Get your fares ready, please.”

Mrs Smith didn’t quite hear what he said.

“He asked____4____our fares ready,” said Jane.

A short while later the bus driver shouted to a passenger, “Don’t block(擁擠) the door. Let other passengers off.”

Mrs Smith wanted to know what he had just said. “The driver told that man ____5____the door,” Jane replied.

Many times when the driver told the passengers something, Mrs Smith would ask____6____, and Jane would repeat(重復) what she heard for her mother. Finally the driver said in a loud voice, “Does anybody have to get off at the next corner?”

Mrs Smith of course wanted a repetition(重復).

“He wanted to know____7____anybody has to____8____at the next corner,” was her daughter’s reply.

But Jane was so busy____9____everything____10____they forgot to get off. That “next corner” was their stop.

1. A. go B. take C. have D. by

2. A. to see B. to look

C. to look for D. to find

3. A. let her to repeat B. tell her repeat

C. ask her to repeat D. ask her repeat

4. A. us have B. we to get

C. we to have D. us to get

5. A. don’t block B. to not block

C. not block D. not to block

6. A. what did he say B. what he said

C. he said D. what he says

7. A. for B. because C. if D. why

8. A. get off B. get on C. get up D. get in

9. A. repeats B. to repeat C. repeating D. repeated

10. A. that B. so that C. so D. because

Ⅷ. 閱讀理解


Many people do not like to stay at home on holidays. They want to go out to see something different or do something interesting. So people from the country come to the city and people from the city go to the country for holidays. During the holidays, trains, buses and planes are all very busy. It is very hard to buy train tickets or air tickets, so many people take cars or buses for traveling.

Last May Day my family went to the country by car for our holiday. There was too much traffic on the road, so we had to move very slowly. It took us about an hour to get out of the town. After some time, we came to a hill. The hill was green and beautiful. We thought that was a good place for a picnic, so we stopped and took the food, fruits and drinks out of the car. We sat down and began to eat. Suddenly a strong wind blew and soon it started to rain. We had to run back to our car and have our picnic in the car. Then we drove back home. What a sad holiday!

1. Why do people go out instead of staying at home on holidays?

A. Because they want to see something different.

B. Because they want to see something interesting.

C. Because going out on holidays is very popular now.

D. A and B

2. Why do many people take cars or buses for traveling?

A. Because it’s too easy for people to buy the tickets.

B. Because it’s rather difficult to make the tickets.

C. Because they don’t worry about buying the tickets.

D. Because it is not easy to get the train or air tickets.

3. The writer and his family went to the country_________.

A. to have a picnic B. to visit their relatives

C. to eat in the rain D. to drive very slowly

4. When did they go for their holiday?

A. Last Monday. B. Next day.

C. Last May Day. D. Late March to May.

5. What did they think of their holiday?

A. Happy. B. Sad. C. Windy. D. Rainy.


Wang Ling had a travel to the city with her husband last week. After they came back home, her neighbors Zhang Hong, Liu Ying and Wang Lei came to see her. “What do you think of the city?” asked Zhang Hong. “There are some parks and many buildings there,” answered Wang Ling. “Where did you stay?” asked Liu Ying. “We stayed in a hotel,” answered Wang Ling, “We stayed there for five nights.” “How do you like the people there?” asked Wang Lei. “The people in the hotel were very friendly to us. When we met them in the hallways, they always nodded and smiled,” said Wang Ling. “The people in the city like saving electricity(電). When we came into a café, the lights were very dark.” Wang Ling took some drinks to her neighbors and went on, “The actors were the politest in the city. On the evening of the third day, we went to watch a play. The actors walked with their tiptoes(腳尖) when Zhang Bing was asleep in the theater.”


1. Where did Wang Ling go last week?

2. How long did Wang Ling stay in the hotel?

3. Were the lights in the café bright?

4. What did Wang Ling give her neighbors?

5. Why was Zhang Bing asleep in the theater?


Mrs Smith often felt lonely(孤獨的) when her husband went to work. Their room was small and she often spent(度過,花費) half an hour tidying(收拾整齊) it. She couldn’t get up early in the morning. So Mr Smith had to cook breakfast himself. At noon she usually had some bread and milk for lunch and only cooked supper for herself and her husband. They did not have a TV set. Mr Smith always went to bed at nine.

It was a winter morning. The sun was shining(照耀,發(fā)光) and it was warmer outside than inside the room. So she idled away her time here and there in the street. The woman was sitting on the step of a shop, looking at the busy traffic(交通) when a man with a map in his hand was coming towards her.

“Excuse me, madam,” said the man. “Could you tell me how to get to the nearest hospital, please?” Mrs Smith looked at him up and down. “He seems as if to be(看起來好像) a farmer,” the woman said to herself. “Let me make a joke on him.”

Then she turned to him and said, “Lie down in the middle of the street and you will soon be sent to a hospital.”

“Please set an example(榜樣,示范) to me, then,” said the man.

She had to tell him the way and then she said, “I think you’ve been in the city for the first time. The city is much more beautiful than the field. Is that right?” “Yes, madam,” said the farmer with a smile on his face. “But I think it is built(建筑,建造) on the field!”

1. Mrs Smith was lonely when_________.

A. she was tidying her small room

B. she was cooking breakfast

C. she was staying at home alone by herself

D. she was cooking supper for herself and her husband

2. Mr Smith always went to bed at nine because________.

A. he was in poor health

B. he was very tired in the day-time

C. he had to cook breakfast the next day

D. he had nothing else to do in the evening

3. One day Mrs Smith went to a shop and sat on the step to_______.

A. look at the cars, trucks, mini-buses passing by

B. buy some cheap things in the shop to save a lot of money

C. enjoy the sun(曬太陽) because it was cold in their small room

D. wait for her husband because she forgot to bring the key

4. The woman thought_________, so she was going to make fun of him.

A. the man was very poor

B. the man was a tourist who came from another country

C. the man came from a village

D. the man would ask her the way

5. Which of the following is true?

A. Mrs Smith made fun of the farmer, so he was very angry.

B. Mrs Smith got the farmer into trouble and he went to the policeman for help.

C. The farmer was quick-minded and he answered her wisely.

D. The farmer didn’t know how to answer the woman.

Ⅸ. 書面表達


你(王智)和你的同學李明上周日去參觀了北京動物園。當你看到游客的不文明行為時,主動上前制止。你們又參觀了Blue Water水族館,還看了海豚表演,中午12:00你們乘出租車返回家。

Key to Unit 8:

Ⅰ. A) 1. again2. umbrella3. gift4. future5. yard

B) 1. visitors2. drove3. souvenirs4. Luckily5. won

Ⅱ. 1-5 ABADC6-10 ABCAD11-15 BDCCA

Ⅲ. 1. Did they go2. No; I didn’t3. didn’t have any4. Who wrote

5. What did; give6. Where did; buy7. What did; do

8. was good at9. told; nothing10. had; busy

Ⅳ. 1. did; do on2. At the end of3. What else; sharks

4. Were there; was5. on a holiday trip

Ⅴ. 1. didn’t see2. did3. bought4. had5. did; go; went

6. helped7. visited8. studied9. wrote10. did; finish

Ⅵ. 1-5 CBAED

Ⅶ. 1-5 BACDD6-10 BCACA

Ⅷ. (A) 1-5 DDACB

(B) 1. She went to the city.2. Five nights.3. No, they weren’t.

4. Some drinks.

5. Possibly because he was not interested in the play.

(C) 1-5 CDACC

Ⅸ. One possible version:

Dear Li Gang,

How were you last Sunday? Where did you go? Did you have a good time?

It was sunny last Sunday. It is neither hot nor cold in autumn in Beijing. I visited the Beijing Zoo with my classmate, Li Ming. There were all kinds of animals in the zoo. The animals there were so interesting that all the people liked them. When I saw a visitor throwing food to the monkeys, I stopped him and said, “Animals are our good friends and we must take care of them. If the monkeys eat bad food, maybe they will fall ill, I think.”

We went to Blue Water Aquarium after we left the zoo. We stayed in the aquarium for a long time. We were very excited when we watched the dolphin show. We came back home at twelve o’clock by taxi. If you come to Beijing, I’ll show you around the Beijing Zoo.

Please write to me soon.






在學習新課之前,是否能激起學生學習興趣直接影響新課學習的效果,要想激發(fā)學生的學習興趣,提高初中英語課堂效率,我們教師就必須有目的、有針對性地設計精彩導語。例如在學習人教版新目標英語八年級上冊(Go for it)中Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake?時,我用一首歌曲導入,學生在獲取有聲信息的同時,輕松地進入課堂。然后大家非常興奮地學習“How do you make a banana milk shake?How many bananas do we need?How much yogurt do we need ?”等句子,這時我不失時機地引導他們結合自己對這部分內(nèi)容的掌握,列出本單元應掌握的知識重點,然后針對重點進行學習,這樣他們在學習這一單元的內(nèi)容時就輕松自如了,學習效率也大大提高。課堂導入的方法很多,教師可靈活選擇。例如,在學習新目標新版初二英語中的Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister,我用的是圖畫導入,引導學生觀察圖畫;在教人教版初三英語的Book 5 Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes,我?guī)ьI學生先進行discussing,討論在他們的生活當中有什么是可以自己做主的。


過去的英語課堂,教學形式單一,教師講解強調(diào)知識點的記憶,學生死記硬背,課堂效率低下。要保證英語課堂取得高效,就應讓學生成為課堂的主人,盡量將課堂時間還給學生,做到精講多練。比如學習人教版新目標英語(Go for it)八年級上冊中Unit 8 How was your school trip?我沒有在一開始就給學生分析講解一般過去時態(tài),而是先與學生進行情景口語操練,talk

about somethingthe students did last week 。讓學生領會本單元的語言重點,引出主要句型。接下來我就讓學生分組合作,自主對重點句型進行練習,通過反復練習運用,讓學生能夠?qū)χ攸c句型熟練運用。最后與學生一起分析本單元的重要語法、重點句型并進行大量的口語練習,再利用典型的題目進行檢驗,讓學生鞏固掌握。學生在自主、合作、探究的過程當中體驗了學習英語、運用英語的快樂,并感受到自主學習的成功喜悅,心理上獲得極大滿足。







但從八下開始生詞增多,語速加快,語境更加復雜化,有部分表格要填充的信息多,學生難以完成。再加上聽力設計多,特別是Section A部分,基本以聽力為主,許多老師把課堂變成了“滿堂放錄音”。聽一遍學生不能完成任務就聽兩遍、三遍……整堂課都是讓學生在聽―做題―對答案的過程中渡過,課堂形式單一。只注重結果的正誤,忽視了聽力的過程和對聽力材料的進一步挖掘,因此失去了聽力的本真。很多學生對這種聽力課感到厭倦,有些學生產(chǎn)生了恐懼感,信心不足,甚至因此而放棄英語學習。










Mary Underwood提出了三段導學(three stages of teaching)模式:聽前階段(pre-listening)、聽時階段(while-listening)和聽后階段(post-listening)。





在聽力準備階段運用此法,能有效地激活學生頭腦中已經(jīng)學過的相關背景知識。如:在八年級上冊Unit 1 “How often do you exercise?”(Section A,1b)Listen and write the letters from the pictures above on the lines below.圖的內(nèi)容是有關幾項活動的:watch TV,do some reading,do sports(exercise),go shopping,go skateboarding。橫線旁是幾個頻率副詞:always,usually,often,sometimes,hardly ever,never。其中的exercise,skateboard,hardly ever是生詞,如果直接讓學生聽可以容易地得到正確答案,但不能充分挖掘教材文本資源,使學生得到充分訓練。因此,在設計時我進行了如下再設計:在導入時進行頭腦風暴:What do you do on Sundays?學生的思維馬上活躍起來,一股腦兒地“倒出”已學的所有活動單詞。接著我讓學生根據(jù)自己的實際生活情況結合頻率副詞和活動單詞造句。E.g.I often watch TV on weekends.I never go skateboarding on school days.在此基礎上再讓學生聽沒有就生詞障礙,對該話題已相當熟悉,又操練了副詞和活動詞匯,課堂也顯得有一種厚實感。


新目標英語插圖豐富,大部分聽力都配有插圖,圖上信息大都與聽力有關。所以,可以充分運用這些圖片引導學生進行討論,為聽力做熱身準備。要求學生在聽錄音前先弄清圖里的人物、姓名、性別、時間、地點、事情,做到心里有數(shù),等錄音播放時,就可以胸有成竹,對號入座,免得“病急亂投醫(yī)”了。如:八年級下冊Unit 1 “Will people have robots?”(Section B,2a)Listen to Alexis and Joe.Number the pictures[1-3].由于三段對話都有點長,語速快,所以簡單的題目對學生來說并不簡單。在第一班上課時我直接讓學生聽并標號,可是一連聽了兩遍還是有一部分同學不能完成。于是在第二個班上課時,我先讓學生看圖并討論:Look at the pictures.Who are they?(They are Alexis and Joe.)What are they doing?Picture 1:The boy is talking about the picture.Picture 2:They are thinking about their dreams.Picture 3:Maybe they are in a party.They are talking.這樣學生基本已經(jīng)對聽力內(nèi)容有了一個正確的預測。在這個基礎上,再讓學生聽。結果大部分學生聽一遍就能得出正確答案了。


新目標英語的每一冊中,幾乎都有一些聽力對于相應水平的學生來說難度太大,不能完成。如八年級上冊Unit 6 “I’m more outgoing than my sister.”(Section B,2a)Listen.What do Holly and Maria like about their best friends?Fill in the chart.

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這一聽力直接讓學生聽并填表,難度很大,要填的信息太多。因此,我們可以在這一聽力練習之前,先設計一個過渡性的任務:Talk about one of your best friends.What do you like about him/her?What is the same as him/her?What is different?這下學生的頭腦中就激活了相關話題的內(nèi)容,在這基礎上讓學生聽并填空就不是不可能的任務了。


這個階段是聽力訓練的實質(zhì)性階段,教師應該訓練學生一些聽力技巧,這是提高學生聽力理解水平的有效措施。由于課本中沒有這一提示,所以很容易被教師忽略。教師應讓學生懂得,聽力水平的提高不可能一蹴而就,只有穩(wěn)定情緒,持之以恒,不斷地、大量地聽,聽的材料越多,時間越長,則聽的效果就越好。學生在聽的過程中可能出現(xiàn)各種各樣的錯誤,教師要多鼓勵引導,少批評指責,盡量減輕他們的心理負擔,使他們維持良好的精神狀態(tài),發(fā)揮正常的聽力水平。聽時要邊聽邊記,強化記憶,記錄時要有重點、有技巧。如簡單地做提醒記號,在填寫的時候只要寫好該單詞的前幾個字母,以節(jié)省時間來聽下一個空,錄音結束再補充完整。寫完以后,檢查有無拼寫或語法錯誤,如be doing、第三人稱單數(shù)、單復數(shù)、大小寫、比較級和過去式等都是學生較容易忽視的,必須加強指導。聽對話和短文時,要抓主旨大意,切忌偏重一兩個詞而忽視全文。同時要幫助學生糾正不良的聽力習慣。如先將聽懂的東西譯成漢語,用漢語進行思維理解,缺乏用英語直接思維的習慣,不能做到邊聽邊理解,邊記憶。我們要引導訓練他們將聽懂了并且理解的信息聯(lián)系起來形成連貫的記憶,并且將全文要點通過一定的聯(lián)系有機地統(tǒng)一起來。






利用聽力設計和所聽到的答案,進行編對話。如八年級上冊Unit 10 (Section A,2b)Listen,what are Cheng Han’s plans for the future?Fill in the chart.


A:What is Cheng Han going to be when he grows up?

B:He is going to be an actor.

A:Where is he going to move?

B:He is going to move to New York.

A:How is he going to do that?

B:He is going to take acting lessons.

A:When is he going to do that?

B:He is going to finish high school and college first.

這樣,學生就自然地操練了重點語法be going to,較好地鞏固了目標語言。


復述不是簡單地背誦,而是對課文內(nèi)容進行歸納、概括和總結。不僅可以幫助教師評估教學的效果,同時可以為學生提供鍛煉口語能力和寫作能力的機會。有助于對對話或篇章內(nèi)容的理解,又有助于他們復習和鞏固所學的知識。如八年級上冊Unit 8 “How was your school trip?”1b.What did Tina do on her last school trip?Listen and circle the expressions in the box.在完成這一步之后,我讓學生再聽并回答幾個問題:

a)How was Tina’s school trip?

b)Did she go to the zoo?

c)Were there any sharks?

d)What else did she do?


T:Can you say something about Tina’s school trip?

Ss:Tina’s school trip was really fantastic.She went to the aquarium.There were some clever seals.She hung out with her friends and took lots of photos.It was a wonderful trip.





在新目標的教材設計中就滲透了聽力與寫作結合的理念。例1.Unit 9 “When was he born?”(Section B,2b)Listen,are these sentences about Midori or Laura?與3b.Look at the information in 2b.Write an article about Laura.進行聽寫整合。例2.Unit 10 “I’m going to be a basketball player.”(Section B,2a,2b)How are they going to make their resolutions work?

Write what they are going to do.

與3b.Look at 2a and 2b on Page 62.Write a magazine article about Kim,Lucy and Manuel and their resolutions.等多處就運用了這一理念,教師就可以充分利用這一資源進行讀寫整合。





英語作為一種交際工具, 其中“說”的作用在交際上顯得尤為重要。學生中相當一部分是由于英語成績不好而影響學習成績。在英語課堂上表現(xiàn)得消極,不愿開口說英語,影響進行正常的課堂活動。如果不想辦法改變這種狀態(tài),英語課堂教學就成了“一言堂”,枯燥乏味,就會直接影響教學效果。針對這種狀況,教師應從學生的實際出發(fā),著重從以下幾方面培養(yǎng)學生開口說英語的良好習慣,建立學好英語的信心。


(1) 培養(yǎng)“說”的能力。從聽入手, 先聽后說。英語課上教師要全英語授課,更要示范性的多說英語。還可以利用中午學生活動時間10-15分中,播放適合初中學生聽的英語,也可以在班會課讓學生觀看全英文的電影。但讓學生“聽”之前, 教師一定要對較難的聽力摘要內(nèi)容。學生在廣泛聽的基礎上, 在語言的接觸中吸取大量積極而有用的詞匯。通過這種長久“聽”“說”結合的強化訓練, 使學生能開口說英語。



(1)“值日報告”和“師生會話”來激發(fā)學生開口說英語。每節(jié)英語課教師利用幾分鐘時間要求學生用英語演講、對話或用英語講小故事,甚至是唱英語歌曲,形式通常是由學生自己決定,時間通常為3-5分鐘。 這種“值日報告”可以營造學習英語的氛圍,同時也可以活躍課堂氣氛。然后對于“值日報告”中所涉及的見聞,談論的人物,愛好、景色等進行師生會話,一般先安排英語口語較好的學生,給其他學生做個榜樣。對于稍差的學生,教師要有意識地降低會話的難度,消除學生畏難情緒,讓每個學生在課堂能展現(xiàn)自己,有所收獲。

(2)組織口頭練習為主的課堂活動加強學生開口說英語。例如,在學習《義務教育課程標準實驗教課書(新目標)》八年級上冊第六單元“How do you make abanana milk shake ?”一課時,教師可以先在屏幕上出現(xiàn)各種水果。先請一名英語學習較弱的學生說出水果的英文名稱,其他學生聽寫所提到的英語單詞。然后,請英語學習較好的學生分別用課文中學過的單詞聯(lián)詞成句。最后,請英語成績好的學生看圖復述這種食物的制做步驟。通過這種層層深入的訓練,因人而宜,循序漸進地提高要求,調(diào)動了全體學生積極參加課堂活動同時也加強了學生說英語的積極性。



培養(yǎng)學生說英語, 語言環(huán)境也非常重要。教師和學生一起可以布置一個充滿英語的環(huán)境??梢悦恐艹鲇⒄Z黑板報,教室墻上可以貼英語標語、英文地圖,教室書架上可以準備英語報紙、英語雜志、英語閱讀等等,可以讓學生隨處見到英語,隨時翻閱英語書籍。學期開始讓每個學生取一個英文名字,英語課上, 教師叫英文名字,同學之間也互相叫英文名字, 這些都能創(chuàng)設一種濃濃的英語氛圍, 使學生渴望用英語交談??傊?,一名英語教師,就如同交響樂隊的指揮家,組織學生進行大量豐富多彩的訓練, 從而逐漸培養(yǎng)學生開口說英語的習慣。









現(xiàn)在的英語教材盡管沒有達到知識的系統(tǒng)性、完整性,但是具有知識的反復循環(huán)性。因此,在實際的授課過程中,教師應該把單元間相聯(lián)系的內(nèi)容在備課中做到有機取舍和調(diào)整,以便于學生對于已學的知識在后面的學習中不斷得到鞏固、提升。例如人教版新目標八下Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells?和Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park?和新目標九年級Unit14 Have you parked yet???這三個單元的內(nèi)容是聯(lián)系比較密切的,八年級下Unit6為現(xiàn)在完成進行時態(tài),Unit 9為現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài)的學習,新目標九年級Unit14 Have you packed yet?也為現(xiàn)在完成時。在八下Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells?的教學中初步涉及了與現(xiàn)在完成時連用的時間狀語for 和since的用法,為Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park?的教學打下了基礎。在初學現(xiàn)在完成時的基礎上,我又結合新目標九年級Unit14 Have you packed yet?的內(nèi)容讓學生了解yet,already等用法。通過這三個單元知識的整合,在語言的整體性上幫助學生建立起了比較完整的框架。在后面的學習中,就能降低學習的難度,采取鞏固系統(tǒng)的訓練。


教師應根據(jù)不同的班級、不同的學生、不同的課堂表現(xiàn),做好課內(nèi)的教材整合。例如我在進行新目標八下Unit5 if you go to the party,you will have a great time第一課時的教學中,2a的聽力要求為:listen and number the phrases in the order you hear them(聽標出你聽到的順序),而2b的要求為listen again and answer the question(聽并回答問題)。對于學生來說,2a的內(nèi)容過于簡單,而2b的內(nèi)容有難度。針對這種情況,我在教學中把這兩個聽力合二為一改編成為聽并選擇正確答案,這一改變既提高了2a的難度,又降低了2b的難度,題型又符合中考的題型。再如八年級上冊Unit 8 How was your school trip?學習運用動詞過去式,很多教師都會通過讓學生直接背課文來檢查學生的學習情況,而我首先讓學生復習鞏固文章中的動詞短語,然后通過問答的方式,依次變?yōu)檫^去式,再借助箭頭將其連成一條信息鏈,使學生看著圖片和主要的動詞,自然而然地在練習中進入課文學習,5分鐘之內(nèi)學生就可以順利地由看圖復述到不看圖的背誦了。課本并不完全等同于教材,《新課程標準》對教材的定義是:凡是有利于學生學習和教育教學的材料都可以稱為教材或教學材料。教材也只是課程資源的一部分,而不是全部。書是不變的,而人是動的,所以,教師在運用教材時應該首先考慮學生的實際情況,在教材的整合上因人而異。



《英語新目標Go for it》聽說課基本上按照“先說—后聽—再說”的流程組織教學。這種教學模式把“先說”看作是聽前活動,“再說”看作是聽后活動,聽與說互為語言的輸入與輸出。在教學中,教師可根據(jù)這一基本模式衍生出多種更具實效性、實踐性和操作性的聽說課教學,歸納起來有以下5種派生模式:①先說—后聽—仿說—延伸說(一種較為完整的先聽后說模式,也是最常見的一種模式);②先聽—仿說—延伸說(該模式主要針對內(nèi)容淺易且學生較熟悉的話題,以完整的聽力輸入為主,可以培養(yǎng)學生自主聽的良好習慣);③先說—后聽—仿說—仿寫;④先聽—后說—再聽說(該模式集中于實際意義的聽說,需要有良好的內(nèi)容題材和完整的人物設計);⑤先聽—后說—仿說—泛讀。


根據(jù)語言輸入和輸出理論,結合《英語新目標Go for it》教材的特點,筆者就初中英語聽說課總結了以下幾點教學要領:導入要新,情境要真,分析要簡,以說導聽,以聽助說,聽說同題。



例如,在執(zhí)教《英語新目標Go for it》七年級上冊Unit 1 My name?蒺s Gina的Sec-tion B時,利用句型“What?蒺s your tele-phone number?”練習數(shù)詞,可創(chuàng)設這樣一個情境:班里準備編制一個全班通訊錄,請每組選派兩個人(一人問,一人作記錄)對全組同學做一個調(diào)查,調(diào)查內(nèi)容是本組同學家的電話號碼。這個情境的創(chuàng)設滿足了上述兩個條件:①調(diào)查與被調(diào)查的同學存在信息溝;②調(diào)查的目的是編制全班通訊錄。因為這個情境是現(xiàn)實生活的真實再現(xiàn),符合學生已有的生活經(jīng)驗,所以學生能很快回答出來。

3.分析要簡。張振邦教授指出:外語的習得是一個從感性到理性的過程,中學生學英語首先應該通過聽說讀寫的實踐,接觸英語,初步獲得語感,然后在大量語言材料的基礎上歸納出有規(guī)律的東西,這就是語法。對于在《英語新目標Go for it》中每個單元Section A的1a—2c出現(xiàn)的語法知識,可多采用歸納法(或歸納法與演繹法相結合)進行教學。

例如,在執(zhí)教《英語新目標Go for it》七年級下冊Unit 5 I?蒺m watching TV的Section A時,文章出現(xiàn)的語法為現(xiàn)在進行時,我們可以按照“觀察—發(fā)現(xiàn)—討論—歸納—鞏固—運用”的步驟進行教學?,F(xiàn)在進行時的構成與用法以及現(xiàn)在分詞構成的歸納都很簡單、精煉,老師的分析和講解起到了“畫龍點睛”的效果,“分析要簡”在這個環(huán)節(jié)得到了充分的體現(xiàn)。


例如,在執(zhí)教《英語新目標Go for it》八年級上冊Unit 10 I?蒺m going to be a bas-

ketball player的Section A時,我們可以先引出有關“職業(yè)”的英語單詞,在對新單詞進行音形義處理的過程中輸入含有新語法結構“be going to”的句子,讓學生通過觀察、發(fā)現(xiàn)、討論,歸納出“be going to”的用法,然后再進行練習,最后通過討論引出“聽”的話題,并就“聽”的內(nèi)容進行預測,從而實現(xiàn)“以說導聽”。


6.聽說同題。即在“先說—后聽—再說”教學模式中,聽說都借助本單元的語法知識,圍繞本單元的話題,開展聽與說的活動?!奥牎敝饕钦Z言的輸入,“說”主要是語言的輸出。筆者認為,在“先說—后聽—再說”教學模式中,“聽”“說”互為語言輸入和輸出活動,“先說”是為了“聽”,“聽”是為了更好地“再說”。然而,“先說”通常為控制性的說,“再說”為半控制性的說和非控制性的說。聽說同題強調(diào)的是語言輸入與輸出的一致性。例如,上文提到的教學《英語新目標Go for it》八年級上冊Unit 10 Section A部分,聽與說的話題都是談論未來的計劃,運用到的語法知識都是“be going to ”,用到的詞匯都與職業(yè)相關。



①The teacher writes information on some pieces of paper.

②The class is divided into 4 groups and each group is given a piece of paper.

③After S1 reads it,S2 asks:

S2:What did the teacher ask you?

S1:He / She asked me where you had your breakfast.





4.目的性?;顒拥拈_展必須圍繞教學目標的達成。有時在課堂上要求學生做一些動手的練習,千萬不要把它上成實驗課或勞技課,而要讓學生用英語來描述操作過程,這樣才切合英語教學的目標。比如,教學用英語描述“How to make an apple milk shake”,活動過程可以這樣設計:

①Review the process of how to make a banana milk shake.

②Discuss the ingredients of an apple milk shake.

③Discuss the process of how to make an apple milk shake.

④Get two or three groups to demonstrate.















在我教授《新目標英語go for it》八年級上冊的時候, 首先我是按照大綱要求給學生輸入每個單元的重難點,并進行相關的講解和練習,讓學生熟悉單詞、語法、習慣用語等語言知識,構建起語言圖示。然后讓學生做有關該單元主題的口頭練習,練習包括設定環(huán)境讓學生對話練習,學生連貫地敘述所聽過或讀過的材料。在學生復述的過程中,他們要將聽到、看到和讀到的知識和內(nèi)容進行思考、加工,用自己的語言口頭表達出來。


在系統(tǒng)的學習了每個單元的知識點后,我們還需要給學生輸入一些相關的背景知識,當代語言學家Krashen提出“i+1”的輸入假設:只有在接受足夠的“輸入”,學生才有教好的“輸出”。 在新課程的英語教學中,不僅要讓學生掌握知識、技能,還應根據(jù)學生的年齡特點和認知能力,逐步擴展文化知識的內(nèi)容和范圍。





The phone is ringing……

Dave: Hello, this is Dave.

Aunt: Hi, Dave. This is Tina.

Dave: Oh, aunt. What’s up?

Aunt: I want to take a vacation with your uncle this summer holiday. But , you know , your cousin Anna is too young. I can’t take her. So , if you are free , please come and babysit Anna . Ok?

Dave: Ummm……Sure . When are you taking a vacation?

Aunt:On June 17th.

Dave: Opse, I’m going to your home on June 16th.

Aunt:Ok. Thank you.


Summer holiday is coming……

Mother: Hey, Dave where do you want to go this summer holiday?

Dave: I’m going to babysit my cousin, Anna.

Mother: Anna? Can you?

Dave: Sure!

Mother: Oh? Hahahahahahaha! It’s difficult to babysit kids.

Dave: I know!

Mother: Ok. Ok. So, when are you leaving for your aunt’s home?

Dave: On June 16th.

Mother: Ok. Have a good time. And……Good luck!


(In the shop)

Salesman: Can I help you?

Dave: Yes, please. She wants to buy a dress. But I can’t choose a good one for her.

Salesman: Oh~ Girl, which one do you like best?

Anna: En…… That pink one.

(After a long time……)

Anna: Dave, I’m not faaling(feeling) very well.

Dave: What’s the matter?

Anna: I have a stomachache.

Dave: That’s too bad! Oh! The fried chicken!! It must be very unhealthy!

Anna: Oh~~~~~~

Dave: Hey, how do we get to the hospital?

Salesman: Oh, first go straight and turn left. Then you can see a bus stop. Take the NO.33 bus. Then you can see a hospital.

Dave: Thanks a lot. (Run out of the shop)








【關鍵詞】初中英語 教學效率 提高




比如,在人教版初中英語教材新目標版七年級上冊Unit 2《This is my sister》的教學過程中,我在課前進行了充分的教學內(nèi)容準備。首先,就本單元的教學內(nèi)容主題來看,主要以“介紹他人,確認任務”為主,與學生們的日常生活息息相關。其次,我從本單元的單詞內(nèi)容出發(fā),進行了“介紹他人,確認任務”內(nèi)容主體的搭建,使得學生們在課堂上能夠熟練把握本單元的學習重點,在有限的初中英語課堂教學時間內(nèi)汲取更多的課堂知識點。通過課堂準備環(huán)節(jié),我給學生們設置了這樣幾個問題:(1)take turns to talk about your family;(2)cover the name and answer the “name”。讓學生們在這些問題的引導下,逐步進入英語高效課堂主線,從而獲得更好的發(fā)展與提升,并且能夠通過這些問題來與教師和同學進行深入交流,為學生們的英語能力發(fā)展提供更好的平臺。



比如,在人教版初中英語教材新目標版八年級下冊Unit 5《What were you doing when the rainstorm come?》的教學過程中,我充分貫徹課堂教學氛圍趣味化渲染理念,讓學生們在英語課堂上學習知識的同時感受到學習英語的快樂,進一步激發(fā)出探究英語知識的欲望。我以“rainstorm”為主題設置了一場主題交流探討會,讓學生們運用自身掌握的英語單詞、語法知識進行互動與交流,探討倘若在學校中遇到“rainstorm”,會采取什么樣的措施,以及怎樣尋求幫助等等,使得學生們置身于形象、生動的情境之中,獲得一定的情感體驗,促進其語言交流元素的滋生與鍛煉。為了給予學生們更多的情感體驗,我從各種電影素材中篩選出了與“rainstorm”相關的橋段,讓學生們觀看這些英文電影片段,獲得感性元素的提煉與內(nèi)化。



比如,在人教版初中英語教材新目標版八年級上冊Unit 9《Can you come to my party?》的教學過程中,我深入結合了多元評價體系進行課堂改革,評價體系元素主要設置為以下幾點:(1)學生學習態(tài)度的變化情況;(2)學生學習效率以及學習質(zhì)量的二元發(fā)展變化情況;(3)學生學習興趣變化,通過這三項元素來對每一位學生進行合理評價,讓他們在知曉自身英語能力發(fā)展的同時明確目標,在初中英語課堂教學改革大環(huán)境下逐漸提升自身競爭力。
